
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Spuds Are Tasty

        Now that I have a large gallon size bag of frozen diced potatoes, it's time to do some other things with all those extra potatoes.  I filled a large casserole dish with the rest of the diced potatoes.  I didn't use a recipe.  Sometimes I just like to just see what happens.  If your new at cooking, or haven't had much practice with this type of dish then I advise you to use a recipe at least the first time around so you understand the basic procedures of whatever you are cooking.  It's good to know cooking times, temperatures, which spices work together and things of that nature.

    Unless your like me and just throw in what sounds or smells good. 


For my oven potatoes this time, I started with the diced potatoes.  Then I added oil and mixed it around to  distribute it.  For oil I used expeller pressed coconut oil, but feel free to use butter or the oil of your choice. 

I tossed in some of those onions I had in the freezer all chopped and ready.  Any kind of onion will work, and if you wish to saute' it first that makes it taste great.  I then added some celtic sea salt, pepper, parsley, garlic, cilantro, frozen basil cubes, dulse granules,  and a mixed seasoning.  This is where you can add whatever spices that you like.  Just be careful not to add too much.  Paprika, chili powder, lemon zest would also taste good.  Even just salt and pepper would be fine for this. 

   Then pop it into the oven, I like to cook it at around 350 degrees in my oven.  I like for the potatoes to cook on the inside and then start to get brown slowly.  I usually stir it after about 15 minutes or so to redistribute and check them.  If they start getting a bit soft to stir, they are done.  Or, you can do what I do, jack up the temperature on the oven and get the outside a little more golden brown.

   I was going to show you how delicious these looked when they were done.  You'll just have to take my word for it.  You see, I kept the camera handy so I could remember, but when I pulled the potatoes out of the oven we all converged on them and ate them, and well, it wasn't until later I spotted the camera just waiting for me.  I'll have to work harder at not eating until I get the picture, or at least get a picture of us eating it. 

   There are a ton of variations of oven browned, everyone I'm sure has their favorites.  I sometimes add milk, butter and flour along with the spices to make a creamy casserole.  Throw in some cheese to make it au gratin style.  Add meat and vegetables to make it a complete meal.  That's one of my favorites.  If the casserole is delicious, and you happen to have any leftover, freeze it for an easy reheat meal. 

     Don't forget, cooked potatoes can be frozen, and heat up quite well later.  I first started with mashed potatoes.  It was by accident, or rather, give a man a potato peeler and he just doesn't know when to stop.  So, next time you find good deals on potatoes, stock up on a few bags and start your freezer food collection. 

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