
Friday, September 30, 2011

Dissecting Mascara-Maybe I Shouldn't

Photo by Laura Tourette

     Talking about makeup started making me think a bit more on each individual item.  Mascara  seems to be the most difficult to find if your looking for something organic or even just a bit better with less chemicals.  Looking at the ingredients can be like reading greek, unless your greek.   
   I noticed not all the brands list ingredients on their website, and who wants to stand in a drugstore trying to read the fine print of ingredients?  Even if you can read the ingredients, would you even know what they were?  Off to the internet to try to find a perfect mascara, or at least something that I can feel better about putting onto my eyelashes.
      The first thing I did was google ingredients of mascara.  It didn't go well since I got so many odd things such as whether there is bat guano in mascara.  What I had to do is find individual mascaras by name, find out the ingredients, and then figure out what each ingredient is, and whether it was good or not so good. 
The first mascara I found that was "classified" as safe wasn't even on the market anymore, since, well, it probably wasn't safe.  I think finding a waterproof mascara that's remotely safe is not going to work.  I did find a few that were smudge resistant that were considered a bit safer.   

Photo by ookikioo
      I then picked a name brand mascara, Mabelline Great Lash Waterproof Mascara.  I searched on Mabelline's website with no success at finding ingredients.  I then went to the Skin Deep website and found that it was a moderate hazard.  I really want to find one that is low or no hazard that works decently. 

     I also know there are not stringent laws in place.  I'll have to say, that's another topic since just the little bit I dabbled into that area had a huge overdose of information.    Yes, of course there are laws and regulation put out by the FDA on cosmetic safety.  But the FDA approves a lot of things that have not been properly tested.  Plus, it can take years before a particular chemical and a lot of injury and illness before any action is taken. Check this site out organicconsumers and it explains the regulations, and it seems a bit scary sketchy to me on whether we can trust what's truly on a container of makeup.  Then there are different certifications, USDA, then there are the European and Australian certifications too.  Some people feel that the European standards are
With that said, I prefer to make my own decisions on what I put on my skin and not rely on our government to decide.  In the long run, it is our own selves who will have to deal with this.

     I then wondered if in fact there is such as thing as USDA Organic mascara?  While searching that out I came across Fig & Sage: Full Disclosure    which will show you that companies do get away with putting organic on their product when in fact it isn't true.  I did find that very same mascara being sold for $27.50, still saying it is certified organic.  I saw the ingredients, which while not too bad, given the price tag, and the fact that it is questionable whether they are certified I would not buy that product.  I feel there should not be any question of full disclosure of ingredients.
      I again went to skin deep and simply typed, mascara.  The very first one was called Coastal Classic Creations Mascara.  If you go to skin deep HERE you will see it seems like a fairly safe mascara, plus the ingredient list is much smaller with a lot of recognizable ingredients.  It all sounds fine to me, except, then go to the website HERE and you'll see a fairly large price tag.
   Well, that doesn't work for me.  I actually did buy an expensive mascara from another company, and you know what?  I didn't like it too much.  So, it now becomes a matter of moving through the list and checking the prices and ingredients of each one.  Another great way to find out about mascara is word of mouth.
   I then went on to the next mascara that markets themselves as a healthy alternative.  I saw an ingredient that I didn't recognize and looked up that particular ingredient HERE.  Scroll down to the safety of this particular ingredient.  Sounds a bit iffy to me.  There were a few other ingredients to check out, but overall it has a good rating, and the price at least right now is good.  By going down the list of mascaras on Skin Deep, you can find many to check out for yourself.  Only you can decide if this is going to be okay for you.
     Just because something is marketed as natural or organic and has wonderful ingredients doesn't mean it will be the right product for you.  You could have allergies to even a natural or organic ingredient. 
     For anyone who actually has an urge to make their own there are a few recipes online.  I did not like any that use eye shadow and vaseline.  That sounds unhealthy, and seems to counteract any benefits of making your own.  I did see one for using a capsule of activated charcoal and aloe vera juice and blended together.  I'm sure that one is fine, but can't imagine that it would stay on for any amount of time..

   After all my research to find the perfect mascara, I still failed in my attempts to find what I felt was healthy, worked well, and was below $20 dollars.   I did finally find one that looks promising, and after looking at many reviews I think I'd like to try that one.  I've put the link below, it's from a website called 100 percent pure.  It didn't claim to be organic, but there is organic tea in this product.  It looks almost safe enough to be non-toxic. 

      That will have to wait until I run out of what I'm currently using.  That's the Physicians Formula Organic Wear 100% Natural Origin Mascara.  While it isn't perfect, I'm able to buy it just about anywhere that sells makeup.  I always get coupons, and I've found where you get two for the price of one which makes this mascara a reasonable price. If you look at the list of ingredients you will see the difference in that from the pure fruit, but you'll also see that it's much better than other major brands.  This company also discloses the ingredients on their website which gave them one more plus in my opinion. 

Bottom Line:  Don't go by the advertising, the label, or the certification without checking it out.  With personal care items so unregulated it's best to stick with companies that have a reputation to protect, or that you know, or trust or all of those.  Otherwise, run out and buy some activated charcoal....

I know some of this information was discussed in my post about makeup, but I decided to go a bit further in my research so I could possibly find more options.


Organic Mascara-Love To Know

Green Your-How To Buy Natural Mascara

Organic Consumers

100percentpure  (fruit pigmented mascara) $18


Photos by

Laura Tourette


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Something Fun to Look At- Is Your Family "Common"?

      Have you ever been searching the internet looking for a particular thing, and then get sidetracked?  If you say no, tell me how you are able to do that.  I mean, I've gotten sidetracked, then sidetracked from the sidetrack and on and on.  In fact, I've even had to try to remember what I was originally looking for.

    Well, this is one of those things I came across, and don't even ask me what I was looking for since I know this had nothing to do with it.  I think, since I don't really remember what I was looking for. 

You can find out just how common your family is.  Just follow the link.

How Common Is Your Family?

Friday, September 23, 2011

So Many Choices In Makeup, and How I Choose Mine

     Several years ago when I was trying to find healthier choices for my food and household products one of the things that came up is makeup and skin care and what to put on my face. Every day when I opened that little drawer in the bathroom, I'd feel the need to do something about it, but then I'd shut that drawer until the next day.  I wasn't even sure where to start.  I thought a little bit of research would solve that problem easily.  What was I thinking?

     The choices were overwhelming and all making the claim that theirs was natural and organic.  I found myself researching each individual ingredient.  Once I understood more about the ingredients I could narrow the field somewhat but I couldn't force myself to pay an exorbitant amount for mascara that would probably rub off and was made of fruit.  Don't get me wrong, I'm sure most of those products are wonderful.  But with my budget, I was to the point of trying to figure out how to make it myself. 

I did find many sites on doing just that, and it was easier than I thought, but in the final decision it involved a bit more than I could find time for, plus the cost of the ingredients didn't seem a huge savings.

I then found a few websites that seemed to have decent ingredients, decent prices, and would send samples for free or a minimal charge.  I was all for that and promptly did just that.  By trying those samples it helped me to figure out what colors worked out best for me. 

  Everything I sampled was mineral makeup.  I know there is pro and con even on that but that's what I settled on for now.  It goes on easy, covers as little or much as you need and has decent ingredients. 

  One of the websites I used to help me decide on the safety of a makeup is Skin Deep Cosmetics Database
     I was able to learn so much about various ingredients and what hazards they pose so I could make a more educated decision.

   I'm sure many of you may not even need makeup, or just use it for special occassions.  I'm sure not wearing makeup would be the healthiest choice but for some of us it's not an option.  For me, it all depends on what I'm doing.   

   I can't recommend any brands but I will share which ones I've tried.  Everyday Minerals is the makeup I currently have.  I was getting low on my other brand which was Lumiere Cosmetics and I also had Physicians Formula organic wear and mineral wear and the organic mascara.

   It just goes down to the ingredients, the cost, and how well they work.  The mascara was the hardest thing for me to change.  I have allergies so my eyes tend to water now and then, also from the sun.  Organic/natural mascaras from what I've seen are not waterproof.  I've learned to live without that, but have been known to use a waterproof mascara for something like a wedding. 

I was going to post a list of ingredients to watch out for but it's really not that simple.  When it gets right down to it, just about any makeup you could possibly buy has horrible ingredients.  Everything from parabens, simethicones, talc, propylene glycol and heavy metals just to name a few.  The regulations on makeup are very lax. 
I know the saying that if you can't eat it you shouldn't wear it.  I'm not that stringent yet, but I do try to recognize each ingredient so I can make a safe choice for myself.   Do not be fooled by labels as you can see if you look at this page for physicians formula mineral mascara.  Click Here to see how skin deep works.  So, just because it says natural or mineral doesn't mean it is pure.
I've added a few links, but again, just check out the ingredients for yourself.  One other thing, it is now popular for little girls to wear makeup.  Whether you think that is okay or not is less of an issue than what kind of chemicals your child may be absorbing into their body. 

One last thing, why or how did I pick the brands I did?  Easy, they were cheap, I got a free shipping deal and or a code or simply a coupon.  It may be something else next time.  Once I had my own criteria for what I wanted, then it was just a matter of looking for the deals and promos. 
Which is why I like to check my couponing blogs every day if I possibly can.

Toxic 12 Ingredients      Future Natural (fruit makeup)        Mascara Blacklist

Organic Makeup and Skin Care

afterglowcosmetics    Everyday Minerals     Lumiere Cosmetics

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Learning To "Choose Joy" From A Special Girl

   I've been following the Gitzen Girl for a few months.  She is a well known blogger and I've come across her blog posts, and blog posts about her all over the place.  I felt like she was shadowing me.
  Her life is not like mine whatsoever.  In fact, I was a bit shocked when I saw her blog for the first time.  She wasn't what I thought at all.

   One thing I did see was a beautiful person who loved to share her love for others and most of all for God.
She doesn't hide a thing about her life, in fact, a trip through her apartment had me fascinated.  I just couldn't believe how she could be so happy despite what life had doled out to her.

   I can't really put into words what an amazing person she is. 
There have been no updates on her blog since Friday.  All I know is that people are praying and ringing her passing together online and on blogs and sharing the fact that she is finally going home to a place where she will be without pain and suffering. 

   We have lost an angel here and should not forget how special she is now in sharing her love and happiness with others.

Choose Joy   Check out her page

A Couple of More Deals

Free Subscription To Working Mother Magazine

  I've used this website for free subscriptions and have never had any problems with weird spam.
I so love that these magazine subscriptions come through.  Not sure that I need this one, but I did check the link as of 6:30 pm of the 19th of sept. and it is still open and working.  Just click on the link.
Working Mother

Lee Jeans

 I've forced myself to like Lee Jeans.  Why?  Supposedly they are having a great deal tomorrow.  If any of you know me I don't usually like anything on facebook, seems like a lot of trouble to get a coupon.  So, run over if you have a chance and we'll see tommorrow if it's anything good. 
Lee Jeans Facebook Page

Also check out jolly time popcorn while your there, must like by today to get a free popcorn tomorrow.  Not sure how good this is, I haven't had a chance to check it out.  I don't use popcorn too much.

McDonalds and Wendy's in your area may have the halloween booklets available again this year.  The booklets are usually a dollar and you get about five ice creams.  You'll have to check out your own restaurants in your area to see if they are participating.  I think it's a better option than candy, although not the best option, but better.

Living Social Deal

  If you are not on living social you might be missing out on some good deals in your area.  Today's deal was also just in Orange county and I almost bought that one.  I'm glad I waited for this one.  To check it out for San Diego County follow this link.
Living Social Deal

Keep looking for some more great deals!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Hit or Miss, I Plug Along Looking For More Deals

   I hope you all found a few good deals this last week.  I'm sure you did if your subscribed to one of the moneysaving web blogs.  My big problem is getting on the Internet early enough in the day.  I've learned the hard way  that the earlier the better to check your e-mail, since a lot of those deals seem to disappear very quickly.  I just saw a deal for free Dora sheets at Walmart, including free shipping.  Typo or not, I'm sure someone swooped in on that.  I'm sure Walmart cut it off as soon as they noticed the huge volume of people ordering this product.  Amazon has been known to have spectacular deals which ended up being typos, but a few people somehow managed to get in on it. 

   My point of course, if I haven't said it enough, the early bird gets the worm.  With your subscription to a money saving blog you will be alerted to all the deals you can get through Walgreen's, Rite Aid, CVS, not to mention all the different grocery stores.  A few of the blogs will even give you different scenarios of how to purchase your items and in what order so you can get the most bang for your buck.  It can get confusing at times which is why it's best to get your list made at home and have your coupons ready. 

   Children's Activity Books For Free

Mojo Savings has the scoop on downloading a few coloring and activity books from the Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA)  Check it out, looks like something the kids would enjoy.
The system seems to be overloaded and very slow right now and I will update when I'm able to get through and let you all know how it works out.  I could just let the computer "work", but I am not having any patience right this moment for watching that little line on the bottom of my screen move a millimeter every minute.  Okay, it's free, but sometimes a passing thought will come through that I could have just run down to the dollar tree, bought a coloring book and been home by the time I've downloaded a book.  Could just be that it's a government website.  Just kidding.

Christmas Planner

Christmas Your Way E-Book Planner

      This is great for those of you who have a lot of things going on at Christmas and need to keep track of it.  Just click the link and check it out.  This is from Life Your Way blog, called Christmas, Your Way.

Speaking of Christmas

       Is that picture kind of how you feel when you think about Christmas?  Every year I actually work a bit more on downsizing and making Christmas more simple.  I no longer try to use every single Christmas item that I have stashed.  I feel so much better too.
      Mojo Savings has a great article on Christmas shopping.  Although our family no longer puts a lot of emphasis on gifts like we did in the past years,  we still like to pick up a few things.  While we like to get nice things, we can't always afford what we want, but looking for good deals sure does help.  I do use quite a few of the websites mentioned in this article.  Click HERE to see a few tips on saving money.

Are You a Veteran or In the Military?

   Then you should check this out.  Click HERE to see how you can get one night free in a bed and breakfast.  I understand these spots fill up fast.  Some need a valid ID card, some will take the DD214 or retirement papers.  You can look up your own state to see what is offered.  Each bed and breakfast will list what is needed along with address and phone numbers.

Nature's Way Coconut Oil

     If you are still looking for a good deal on coconut oil, here is another one.  I'm set with my last subscribe and save order.  I got the Nutiva brand, but I've also bought this brand from Henry's Market and I liked it also.  This is a really good deal, I've never seen it any lower anywhere else.  With subscribe and save it makes it $6.79 including shipping.  Once your order arrives you can always cancel subscribe and save.

Free Cookbook From Gooseberry Patch

  Mojo Savings found this free cookbook, and so far it's still working.  It will be coming to me in the mail in 4 weeks.  Click HERE to go to Mojo Savings to use their link.  It doesn't seem to work any other way to find this free book.  Thank you from MojoSavings, who always finds some great deals for us.
MojoSavings  also found two more cookbooks, I had to apply for them separately, but they both went through for Sunmaid Recipes so check it out.

CurrClick Has a Few Fun Things For Your Kids

     Every week CurrClick has a freebie, and a lot of interesting ideas and information.  You don't necessarily need to be a homeschooler to use these things.  I have found a lot of things for a toddler who is almost a preschooler.  Click HERE to check out this website.  I just picked up some pirate word cards for free but every week there is something different. 

Hope you have a week of good deals, I'll be spending more time on drywall, paint, and other "fun" things like that. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

See A Few Deals Here and There

     Have you been subscribing to blogs that can help you save money?  You know it's worth it right?  I know you have to sometimes look at way more information to find the deals, but I find I can quickly skim through and look for anything that catches my eye. 

     After a while you will know which blogs are working out best for you.  Or if some of the blogs seem to always have the same duplicate information you can unsubscribe to the ones you don't need anymore.

     Most of the blogs I subscribe to have a heading of all the deals they are talking about, so you don't have to scroll through the entire post unless you need to.

   I'm so far behind on reading up on deals I'm sure many of the deals are gone.  I just arrange them by sender in my email and then for each one I look at the last two to three days.  I hate to not look at every last one, but time does get away from me.

    If this happens to you, if your thinking that you just can't handle couponing and looking for deals, don't despair.  There are always more deals around the corner. 

   With that, and playing catch up, I'll list a few that I've found that have caught my eye today in my urge to clean "house" in my email.

7-eleven      will be having free coffee on September 29, from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.  It says while supplies last, which makes me wonder, do they plan on only making a pot?  (it's the skeptic in me)  Just click on the link to find out more and see other deals. 

bucadibeppo.   $10 dollars off your $20 dollar purchase.  Go to the link to get the coupon before their gone.  It expires on 9/21/11.

deltaco   Like del taco on face book for a free carnitas with a purchase.

Free National Parks Entrance  Find out with this link which days are free to get in.  Cabrillo in San Diego is a great family field trip and the view is great.  Many parks never charge a fee, so this is intended for those that do. 

Thriving Family  is available again as a one year subscription from Focus On the Family.
I'm getting it for the 2nd time, and I really enjoy the helpful articles in this magazine.  There always seems to be articles geared to every age group, and marriage and pets.  It is a religious publication, non-denominational, but in my opinion I would like the articles helpful information whether it was religious or not.

Teacher Express  Free $10 dollars for Scholastic Teacher E-Book downloads.  You will have to use a code...10THANKS to get this deal and not put any credit card information.  I think I'll run over there right now and start doing some shopping before they run out of stuff.

Now, if I could just get that 7-11 coffee while I'm shopping it would work out great.  Oh well, guess that's why I have a lot of coffee mugs, cheaper to make my own. 

Well, couldn't stop myself on that one.  I went and just got ten books for a dollar each, I put in the code, and it worked.  Free e-books.  Not as good as the real thing, but I can use all the help I can for this little guy here.  He loves doing school.  Of course, at 2 1/2 years old, they usually like anything where they're getting all your attention.  I did have to put the name of my school, and I listed myself as a home school, which is where I am when I teach school. 

Now get out there and find those deals, and don't forget the free kindle books on Amazon, and free apps also for your phones.

Thanks to Save At Home Mommy and Mojo Savings
Do be sure to check out all the deals coming in, links are to the right for many
of the sites for couponing and good deals

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Where Were You When the Lights Went Out?

   It sure was an interesting day a week ago.  I'd say most everything worked out okay with a few moments of wondering what was "really" going on.  We were just glad that we'd made it home just before the power went out.  We did have a little bit of daylight left to prepare for the dark night coming.  I kept telling myself to go work on the kitchen, clean something.  Instead we spent a fair amount of time socializing with a lot of our neighbors that we knew and some that we met for the first time.  We even saw what was possibly a roving band of opportunistic looters.  I'd heard from someone else that they noticed that in other areas of the city, not necessarily in areas you would assume it would be in. 

     Despite having those daylight hours to prepare, it seemed such a low priority compared to all the human/personal interest stories that kept coming our way.  Some of the stories were bombings in New York which didn't seem to add up for me, severed lines at a hydroelectric plant, only one guy to blame and on and on.   The thing that scared me the most was the not knowing exactly what was going on and how long really would this last?  It seemed that all the information coming in was different.  It felt like we were in some kind of claustrophobic void and I was a bit worried that there was more going on than we knew.
   Of course all of you were prepared for such an event right?  We were, and we weren't.  I had plenty of food, water, candles, and we did finally find some flashlights.  We had it all covered and even loaned candles to a neighbor. 
     So what was the big deal?  Having everything and having everything in one place is two different things.  Some of the essential items we needed were all in different places or they were  hard to reach.  Then of course I worried about my garage freezer.  I also didn't have a radio, except for the car radio (found out later I did have a sponge bob radio), I didn't have a car charger for my cell phone.  I kept meaning to get one, but just never did.  Did anyone find themselves hunting around for things you didn't realize you might need until you needed them? 

    Another thing to think about, what are you going to do with all that food in the frig, and how are you going to cook dinner, and should you even bother to cook?  Do you have a grill and does your grill have propane or charcoal?  A gas stove will work, but you have to light it yourself.  I actually brewed a large pitcher of iced tea since I knew we had a ton of ice and why waste it? 
     We basically stayed in the family room and kitchen most of the evening, when we weren't outside watching the moving zoo of people driving to who knows where to contribute to what sounded like a mess up on the freeway.  We heard more sirens that afternoon and night than we hear in an entire month. 
     So, if this were to happen again, or worse, a natural disaster, we really do need to have plenty of supplies.  We also need to have a lot of our information handy, insurance numbers, police, fire if those are even available, medical supplies and a whole lot more.  Basically in a disaster it could be more than 72 hours before you can get help or food or water.  This outage was just a nudge to make us a bit more aware of  what it could be like in the event of a natural disaster. 

I've posted a few links that can help nudge you along in your urge to get ready and where to start.  The Real Food Resource was one that I had been following a little bit over the summer.  Too bad I didn't actually invest a bit more time into it.  She did a series, but has now condensed all her resources onto one page.  There is a lot to go through so pick and choose.  I especially liked her article on preserving foods which is useful for everyday knowledge.
   I noticed there is no lack of information on the internet regarding how to prepare for emergencies and disasters so I'll post a couple. 

Real Food Preparedness Resource

Fema/Are You Ready Guide\

Hawaii/gov  for my friends on the island, to this day I can still hear that darn siren

Equipped   okay, this one just cracked me up.  Not to be mean, I'm sure it's all good stuff, but I don't know of anyone who would have all the things this guy has on this list.  It basically sounds like he's trying to pack the entire house.  If you scroll to the bottom, he does have a 72 hour list.

     So Start least take care of the basic needs category.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Restaurant Favorites

    Do you ever go to restaurants because you love something they cook?  Have you ever wondered if you could save money by just cooking it yourself?
    You all know that I do.  I very rarely go out, unless I have a great deal from the restaurant website, a groupon, a living social or some other great deal or coupon. 
     Sometimes I do get a craving for certain things and it just never occurs to me that I can actually make it myself.  Plus I can adjust ingredients to please my family.
   One of the things I really liked was the Panda Express Orange Chicken.  I did make it and we of course ate it up.  Another item I made was the chocolate shell for putting on a chocolate dipped ice cream.  I of course used that recipe for other things.  Okay, just don't tell anyone, but it taste good all by itself.
   I used to always search the Internet for recipes to try to duplicate some of our favorites and then stumbled across this website.  I won't say it's the end all be all, but it sure has made my life easier by "suggesting" foods that I don't always remember. 
     It's called Copycat Recipes.  I subscribed to the newsletter but I haven't used their recipe box.  I'd probably forget about it anyway. 
   Some of the recipes use ingredients that I don't use such as boxed cake mix.  I adjust the recipe for those or make substitutions.  I already have a great healthy recipe for pop tarts, and the dough is whole wheat. For that recipe click here   It really reminds me of the little tarts we made as kids.  Dough with jelly, fold it over and bake.  Either way, homemade,  in my opinion is always healthier than store bought.  You have control over what artificial flavorings, dough conditioners, soy products you don't need to add. 
     I find Copycat Recipes website a great idea starter to get me going on making a healthier version of some fun foods.  I find many of them make for a special treat. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Have You Changed One Thing This Week?


     You already know this, saving money isn't just using coupons.  Wow, I wish that was all there was to it. 
Using coupons isn't always a healthy choice, even if it's free, it could cost later with poor health or cause problems with your dental health.  Sure, we can get a lot of things for cheap, even some of them for free. 

     It wasn't all that long ago that I was coming home and adding up the dollars, sometimes hundreds of dollars that I had saved.  My pantry was overflowing.  I no longer use most of the things that I used to bring home.  And you know what?  I still save a lot of money, because I'm not buying any of those items.  An added bonus is I don't have rows of canned goods taking up space on my pantry.  I do have rows of "jarred" goods.  My pantry has changed so much over the last few years that sometimes I feel like I'm looking at someone elses. 

    Of course this didn't happen overnight.  It was a step by step process, sometimes fast, sometimes slow.  . 

   I remember thinking that I would never buy some of the very products that now sit on my pantry.  Little by little I have been changing what I buy and what I cook.   Over time I've learned a lot of ways to make it possible to buy healthier foods.  In the process, I've also learned a lot of what constitutes a healthy food product.  I've bought a few things along the way that I would never touch now if you paid me.  There is just no way we wake up one day and know exactly what to buy at what price and which one is a healthier option.  I've also learned to make many products myself which helped to save money.

     My question is, what one thing have you changed?  This week, this month, this year?  If you are really serious about trying to save money you have to sometimes make some hard decisions to give up something.  If I was to make a list of things I have changed or given up it would fill a lot of space.  Some questionable things that I haven't given up though is easier.  Sugar is one.  I have changed it though.  I buy sucanat or organic raw sugar.  Sometimes I use molasses, honey, or organic maple syrup for sweetener.  Another thing I haven't given up is chocolate.  I mostly use cocoa for my baking now, but I do like to buy the chocolate chips at Winco.  I'd like to be able to buy certified organic pure cocoa or cocoa nibs or vegan chips.  I find them to be way over my budget, and I feel the price doesn't always warrant the product.  If it was a food I was eating for my main diet I'd probably be more concerned. 
    Pick something to give up or change.  Giving things up such as television which is a huge cost, giving up using paper towels will add up a little or giving up going to the gym and replacing it with your own exercise program.  Each thing has to be weighed out.  Or just change something in your life that will improve your health.  Make your own pancakes and never buy a mix again, make your own bread, your own cake, your own taco mix. 
     You know, the list is really endless on what we can change.  My most recent change is to not have more than a few oils in my house.  It wasn't a conscious thing really.  Over time I learned more about different oils, how they are processed, and how they should be used. 
     The opening picture by the way is one of those things we changed a while back.  My son had bought these cookies with filling.  They were dyed red, yuck!  One of my daughters decided to show that she could make a healthier version. 

     Start thinking about it, just about everything you do every single day, every single thing you eat, every thing you wear, everything you buy can all change.  Do we want to change everything?  Probably not, but if you start viewing your lifestyle in that light it will be easier to consider ways to save money and have a healthier life for you and your family.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Interrupting My Regular (Late) Post With A Deal I Like

     If you're switching to a healthier alternative to grocery store oils, then I suggest hightailing it to Amazon.
It's posted on Moneysaving Mom, and Heavenly Homemakers.  I've not only checked out the deal, I bought it.  Here are the two deals going on now.
     The first is a two-pack of 15-ounce tubs of Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for $17.30.  Click on Subscribe and Save and you'll get it for $14.70, once you click on subscribe and save, you'll need to sign in if you haven't done so yet.  Then you'll be at the next screen that has a little space for applying Gift Card and Promotional Codes.  In that spot put NUTIVSEP and you'll get another discount.  The final cost will be $14.70, and that includes shipping.  You are allowed at the very first screen to pick how often you want this deal.  I usually put six months unless I'm sure of when I want it. 

    The other good deal on coconut oil is the one I purchased, Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil in the 54-ounce two-pack.  It will say $46.86, but with subscribe and save it's down to $39.83.  I love it that much!  I just finished off one of the smaller sizes making a quick chocolate fix last night. 

   If you haven't made a switch in the oils you use in your home this is a good time to try it.  If you like coconut you will love this.  It did seem a bit odd when I first started using it.  Pretty soon I was wanting to use it on everything, potatoes, eggs, vegetables, you name it.  It could get a bit expensive, so I did end up buying a large bucket of expeller pressed coconut oil from Tropical Traditions. 

    I know, what kind of chocolate fix did I make myself?  Oh, and for everyone else.  I took a dollop of the Nutiva coconut oil, I guessed about 1/4 cup but I didn't measure.  I dumped in about a cup of chocolate chips and tossed it into my unsafe microwave that was not run by solar power.  I melted them while stirring off and on.  Once it was a nice stirrable consistency, (if not, add a bit more coconut oil) and all melted I stirred in shredded coconut and oatmeal.  I tried not to eat it while I did this.  I kept adding those two ingredients until it was thick with it and evenly coated.  I then (in the interest of reuse) used a empty cereal bag, the waxed kind and opened it up onto my freezer tray and was going to make little bites, but again, my craving got in the way and I just dumped the whole thing onto the waxed bag.  Smoothed it out, froze it and then ate some.  And then ate some more.  Then tried to stop myself, but ate some more.  Then, really did stop myself since I didn't want to take a bottle of tums to bed with me. 
   This recipe was not made as intended.  The original recipe was a copycat for a chocolate coating to put on your ice cream, to make it like a Dairy Queen dipped cone.  It's used with butter which is also sinfully delicious.  Just don't do what my husband did.  He mistakenly thought it was hot fudge and put a huge pile of it on top of his ice cream.  It then hardened up into this funny looking sculpture on the top of his ice cream.  It did make for some entertainment value though.  Oh, and keep it in the refrigerator or freezer after you break it into pieces.  It does melt if left out. 

   Back to the coconut oil.  Try it sometime, it is one of the healthier alternatives to vegetable oil.  I don't buy vegetables oil at all, nope, no Crisco in this house, no canola or any of the usual kinds in the market.  At one time I didn't think I could live without Mazola in my house.  And now I can't imagine having it in my house.  I don't regret it one bit, in fact, I love it. 
  I'm looking forward to writing more on this topic and giving you more insight on why I've changed my "oil" use.