
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Finding A Healthy Foundation-What Do You Put On Your Face?

Make Up
Photo by PinkMoose-Andy Easton

       Deciding to tackle the issue of foundation, right away I found on the Environmental Working Group (EWG) Skin Deep database a lot of mistakes.  The first foundation shown did not have the complete list of ingredients so based on that they rated it safe.  Upon further research, and the comments, it showed that it in fact was not something that I would even consider with ingredients like talc, squalane, and parabens and tons more.  Which of course goes with what I've already mentioned, we can't trust everything without checking it out. 

Photo by Jorge Weingrill

I scrolled through many different foundations, at this point looking at liquid and mineral just to see what was available.  There seems to be a lot more choices than mascara which could be good and bad.  Good because it's more likely I will find more suitable choices, bad because it could take longer filtering through all those choices.

I found many mineral makeups, some certified organic.  None of it has to be 100% organic to claim they are organic.  Mineral makeup really only needs a couple of ingredients, usually titanium dioxide, zinc oxide and iron oxides which being minerals I'm not sure if they can be considered organic.  It causes me to wonder if they add some essential oils, some fruits and herbs that are organic so then they can say that their makeup is organic.  That's fine if they want to add fruits and herbs, except it seems to tack on an extremely high price to the makeup. 

   I looked up the makeup I have now which is Everyday Minerals and it was rated a 1 to 2, also the physicians formula organic liquid makeup was rated a 1-2.  I'll have to say I'm quite impressed with an easy to get large corporation makeup having such a good rating.  I've also used their tinted moisturizer in the past and thought it was fine.  I would not recommend it if you have oily skin, since it did seem to make mine look oily. 

  I do recommend using as natural of a product as possible since your skin being your largest organ does absorb these chemicals.  Even if you think that it isn't all that much, if you combined it with all the other things you are exposed to through the course of a day, week, or month it can have an accumulative effect on you. 

   With so many good products on the market now for healthy foundation, this is one easy way to have one less chemical in your body.



tkbtrading.- sells ingredients to make your own makeup

rejuvaminerals-organic makeup with a price tag to match

suncatnaturalmineralmakeup-minimal amount of ingredients/middle price range

everydayminerals- the one I am currently using, they have good specials so I wait for them

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