
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Few Deals That I Like

  This Frugal Life: Daily Deals has a free $2 credit for Amazon.  Go over there and pick up the code.  There are many songs for that price or less, or get a discount on an album.  Amazon has 100 albums for $5.

Buy One Smoothie Get One- Okay, so it's not the healthiest place around, but if you need to stop for something, use this coupon that's available from their website.

Amazon Adroid Apps- Don't forget, Amazon has an Android store and they have free ones every single day, so check it out and see if they have something you want.

Don't forget to subscribe to Groupon so you can see the daily deal.  I don't buy too often, but it comes in handy for outings.  Also Living Social has a few good deals.

Morning Routine Printable Cards-  Living Locurto has these great printable cards to help your little ones to the right thing.  She also has afterschool routine cards, Star Wars theme tags and other printables.  Check it out.  I can't wait to print those morning cards and see if that won't make a difference.

Don't forget to check out all the different free samples, such as pantene facebook offer or the honeynut cheerios.  Money Saving Mom, (link on the right side of my blog) mentions a few.  These freebies might not seem like much a first, but if you keep doing it, pretty soon you will be getting enough in the mail to fill a basket in your bathroom, or a cereal basket in the kitchen.  Also don't forget to check out the free samples at 

Oopsey Daisy Blog has mommy school packets that will help keep your little ones busy this summer.
Check out this website

Baskin Robbins Buy One/Get One-Free scoop of ice cream that is.

Hope you find some good deals this week!